Unfortunately, it can seem challenging to sleep well during a crisis. That said, experiencing nightmares during a crisis is not uncommon, either. Any crisis can cause them, whether it be the ramifications of the current pandemic or other personal circumstances.
Read MoreFor most Americans, the coronavirus pandemic is something entirely new. While the elderly among us might remember other epidemics, the United States has largely been immune to the types of outbreaks other parts of the world have experienced.
Read MoreIf you struggle with ADHD, you know its chronic symptoms can interfere with all aspects of everyday life. ADHD itself can mean that completing or starting tasks is more difficult for you than for individuals without ADHD.
“But everyone procrastinates!” you may find yourself thinking. “Anyone would rather watch a movie or hang out with friends than bother with tax paperwork or housework!”
And if you don’t have ADHD, you may find the idea of explaining away procrastination due to its symptoms as just an excuse. It may seem like a convenient way to avoid getting things done.
Read MoreChances are you’ve spent time outdoors and noticed a positive feeling afterward. Maybe it was an afternoon at the lake, a long walk in a nature preserve, or even just an evening sitting outdoors in a shady, green yard.
Feeling better after time in nature is not just your imagination. Spending time outdoors is proven to provide vital mood-boosting and calming effects on the brain.
The way we live in the modern world is a very recent occurrence. For millennia, humans did not live the way most of us live now. Urban settings, with their noise, crowding, pollution, and lack of outdoor time and manual work, are not the brain’s natural habitat.
Read MoreThe holidays. From TV shows to feature films to stand-up punch lines to more memes than we can count—the holidays are exposed for the mixed bag they genuinely are.
One of the many tricky aspects of this time of year revolves around our eating habits. For some reason, we have all swallowed (in more ways than one) the whole overeating thing.
Read MoreThere’s an old saying about being your own worst enemy, and there’s plenty of truth to that. We tend to be our harshest critics. Sometimes, silencing that negative self-talk can be hard to do.
We also live in a world where things such as social media make it easy to compare ourselves to others. It’s bad enough to see models and celebrities with “perfect” bodies, but when you start to see people in your own life with a body to envy, that negative perception of yourself can get even worse.
That’s why developing a positive body image is so important. Not only will it boost your self-esteem, but learning to love your own body can help you on your journey toward loving yourself, as a whole.
With that in mind, let’s look at 10 steps you can start putting into practice to love your body from head to toe.
Read MoreIf you are like many other Americans, you are probably not a morning person. So, when you struggle to get up and get going early in the day or find yourself hitting the snooze button a dozen times, your morning routine could use a bit of a makeover.
While it’s true that not everyone can naturally be a morning person, everyone can learn to make the most of their mornings and start the day off on a healthier, more positive note.
Creating a healthy morning routine takes time and practice, but you will find the results are well worth the effort.
For healthier and happier mornings, consider adding some of these great habits to your routine.
Read MoreAs our world becomes increasingly more digital, more and more people find themselves struggling with social anxiety.
At first, it may seem counterintuitive for technology that encourages interaction to lead to a reduced ability to actually communicate.
When viewed more critically, however, the relationship makes perfect sense. The more time we spend in front of our screens and hiding behind our online profiles, the farther away from real communications we move.
The link between social anxiety and communication technology is actually very strong. If we are to understand this link, we must first recognize how technology has reshaped our communication behaviors.
Read MoreHave you ever experienced an extreme, overwhelming fear that changed the way you lived your life?
Severe, irrational fears or aversions that cause feelings of extreme panic or terror are known as phobias.
Phobias are considered mental disorders and are much more serious than average or temporary fears. People who suffer from phobias are unable to function normally when confronted with their particular phobia. Additionally, they will often go to great lengths to avoid any type of contact with the object of their phobia.
If your fears have dictated your daily routine or choices, you may be suffering from a phobia.
Here are a few of the most common phobias.
Read MorePeople often associate being assertive with something negative.
Or they’re worried being more assertive might make them appear too aggressive.
It’s true that there’s a fine line between being assertive and being too straightforward. But you also don’t want to be meek and timid.
There are many benefits to being more assertive. In fact, it can make a big difference when it comes to reaching your goals in life. Whether you’re looking for that big promotion at work, or you want something different for your love life, being assertive can make all the difference.
Let’s take a look at some of the additional benefits, and how you can use assertiveness to your advantage.
Read More“I hate my job!”
It’s a sentiment that’s more common than you realize.
Going to work can feel like such a chore.
You just don’t have any passion for it. It’s hard to not have a short fuse when everyone else is incompetent. Or the new system the boss is implementing isn’t going to work, and you know it.
If you are struggling with job satisfaction, perhaps it’s time to take a step back and work on your own personal development. You may be surprised how it can actually help you have a better experience at work.
Read MoreIt’s easy to joke around about perfectionism or having high standards. But, for some people, the desire to be a “perfect” person can lead to anxiety, panic, and depression.
Perfectionism is a type of personality trait that can really be damaging when it gets out of control. Not only do you feel the need to be flawless in all you do, but it leads to an additional need for others to accept you.
In some cases, perfectionism isn’t a bad thing. People who have this trait are often very driven and motivated. They have a deep desire to succeed.
Unfortunately, there’s a downside to this character trait, too. When unchallenged, perfectionism and anxiety often go hand-in-hand.
Thankfully, you can learn to relax and still do your best while easing your worries.
Read MoreEating healthy during the holidays is a concern on most of our minds this time of year.
As the weather turns chilly and the leaves start to fall, many of us shift into a sort of hibernation mode.
Unlike a drowsy grizzly bear—whom nature has actually granted with a hefty winter sleep—you likely still have to go to work, care for the family, and attend holiday get-togethers.
At these aforementioned holiday events is when the eating problems commonly arise. After all, with such an array of deliciousness, how can you not taste it all?
Here are a few seasonal tips to eating healthy during the holidays.
Read MoreFor many people, the holiday season can bring a mix of emotions.
In fact, feeling depressed or anxious is not uncommon in the least bit. It can get tricky to keep levels of anxiety low in the midst of the seasonal hustle and bustle.
Experiencing your own unique hodgepodge of emotions may have caught you off-guard. Or perhaps you’ve been dreading the holiday stress since May.
No matter what your situation, consider these practical tips to keep levels of anxiety low.
Read MoreWhen you’re afraid of relationships, there’s usually a good reason. Perhaps you were hurt, scared of being tied down, or are simply tired of trying so hard without your efforts being reciprocated.
These are all valid reasons to be skittish about romance. After all, love is a big deal. And so are your emotions, for that matter.
Most people will tell you that you just need to dive in, facing your fears. They say it will all work out.
Except… that it won’t.
You may even unknowingly sabotage your own relationship.
So, before diving in head first, consider these tips for overcoming your own insecurity.
Read MoreIf someone advised you to exercise for anxiety relief, would you take it as a candy-coated hint to workout?
After all, getting into shape is the new cool trend.
Here’s the thing about using exercise for anxiety relief—there’s actually a science to it.
Maybe getting into shape should be on your to-do list. It should be on mine, too. But not just to make friends with the scale. More than anything, it helps to relieve anxiety symptoms like shakiness, muscle tension, and shortness of breath, to name a few.
Exercise can even help you to react differently to anxiety. Here’s how it works.
Read MoreFor some, looking into the mirror is an unpleasant experience.
Perhaps an inadequate reflection stares back at you when you look in your mirror at home.
Struggling with body image issues has a way of getting you down. Not only can you feel your self-esteem plummet but all those tiny imperfections you see often become insurmountable.
Despite appearing externally healthy to others, you may feel like a huge spotlight is shining on things you’d love to change about yourself. In fact, at times, you are likely overwhelmed with the feeling of never being enough.
When body image issues overwhelm you, here are a few tips on how taking care of yourself will keep your self-esteem from taking a nose dive.
Read MoreJumping headfirst into an unknown body of water seems a little extreme, right?
And you’re right. It is extreme.
Even more so, it’s unhealthy. You have no idea what to expect when you hit the water. Something surprising might be in there turning the calm-looking water into an unexpected challenge.
Looking for anxiety relief, many people dive in headfirst when it comes to taking anti-anxiety medication. But, sadly, like the diving scenario, that approach is extreme and unhealthy.
It’s important to cover your bases before opting for medication!
Here are 10 questions to start you out on the right foot.
Read MoreFor those who suffer from them, panic attacks can be a scary and debilitating experience.
They may strike at any moment, making it very difficult to have a semblance of a normal life.
If this sounds like you, it’s important you learn more, understanding panic attacks and what to do about them.
Read MoreDuring a remodel, your home goes from being your safe haven to a building site.
Although you’re probably really looking forward to the finished project, the process might feel rather intrusive.
From drywall dust to budgeting concerns and everything in between, keeping your cool might prove to be difficult during remodeling. Even more than squeezing every last penny out of your budget, you might be searching for stress busters to maintain your calm.
Here are a few tips to help you get through the remodeling process and keep your nerves from fraying.
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