Parenting Stress, How to Keep Your Relationship With Your Partner Intact

You met and fell in love. Simple enough. Then the kids came.  Simplicity over. In truth, parenting is one of life’s most wondrous experiences – there’s never a dull moment. But living through the day-to-day stressors of parenting – the good, the bad and the ugly – can put a damper on even the strongest of relationships. Like millions of moms and dads, if parenting stress is wreaking havoc on your relationship, it’s time for a new strategy. Here are a few useful tips for keeping your relationship with your partner intact as you raise the clan.

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Topics Couples Should Discuss Before the Wedding

With the big day approaching, it’s easy to feel as though you’re living in a happy bubble – and that’s fantastic! Being in love and planning a lifelong commitment is an exciting experience. However, while your partner and you likely see eye-to-eye on virtually everything, it’s smart to have conversations that communicate expectations about your future life together.

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Feeling Grief

“But to mourn, that’s different. To mourn is to be eaten alive with homesickness for the person.”

                                                                                    Olive Ann Burns, Cold Sassy Tree

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Anxiety Counseling

When you think about how it looks when someone is anxious, what comes to mind? Some of the obvious signs associated with anxiety are a flushed face and chest, tapping a foot, biting the lip or nails, or wringing ones hands.

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Dudley's Deliberations

It's spring and I love spring (except for the allergies, of course, but I don't really get them like my brother Ollie does, poor guy). Actually, there's not much I don't love... except, I guess, when it's too hot to take a walk. It's easy for me to love everything, though, because I live "the life of Riley." Now who is this Riley character anyway?

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Spring Clean Your Relationships

We hear the phrase "spring clean" every year, but what exactly does it mean to spring clean? Sure, we are aware of the literal sense of cleaning, yet there is more to clean than just the house during springtime. What if we were to apply the idea of spring cleaning to more aspects of our life? For instance, our relationships?

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Oliver's Observations

Spring has officially sprung, and that means Mother Nature is buzzing with energy all around us, with loads of transformations and self-awareness. So, since it's my month to pontificate, I believe I will discuss the productive use of energy--more specifically, my type of energy, Impersonal Energy.

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