Why You Might Rethink Sharing Your Break-up or Divorce on Social Media


Social media is a great outlet for so many things. It’s a glimpse into your everyday life, and it allows you to keep up with friends and family. Unfortunately, there are some downsides to social media, too, depending on what you choose to post. 

Going through a divorce is a very personal, private thing. While talking about your feelings (no matter how negative they may be) with friends and family in person can be helpful, it’s different to post those feelings online. 

So many people tend to use social media as an open platform to talk about their feelings and opinions. In some cases, there’s nothing wrong with that. But, when it comes to something as personal as a break-up, you might want to re-evaluate the things you make public. 

So, is it a good idea to post your feelings online regarding your separation or divorce? 

Understand Your (Very Public) Audience

No matter how many privacy settings you might have in place on social media, you should still consider that everything you post could be seen by the whole world. All it takes is one person to share what they’ve seen to get it in the “wrong” hands. 

Not only can what you post start family drama, especially during times of stress and tension, but it may play unfavorably against you. 

You may be incredibly angry, frustrated, and hurt. But, social media is sometimes a dangerous place to express those feelings. They can easily be taken out of context and paint you in a bad light. 

It’s also important to be careful about what other people might be posting that could end up on your pages. For example, there’s nothing wrong with spending a night out with friends. But, if one of them posts a picture of you with a drink in your hand, your former spouse may try to use it against you. 

Be Careful of What You Say

If you do decide to post something on social media about how your divorce is making you feel, there are a few key subjects you should avoid talking about, including: 

  • Anything that might make you look like an unfit parent

  • Badmouthing your ex or saying anything negative about them

  • Public arguments with your family

  • Anything that suggests you are currently dating someone else

A good rule of thumb is to think about how your post could look in court if your ex decided to use it against you. Yes, it probably feels like a petty tactic, but it is often done and can be extremely damaging. It’s easy to manipulate the tone of social media posts to fit whatever narrative someone needs. A bit of self-protection now can go a long way later.

How to Cope With Your Feelings

It’s normal to want to share your feelings when you’re going through a difficult situation. However, social media may not be the best outlet for it. 

Instead, try journaling, talking to family members or friends, or seeing a therapist for professional help. 

A divorce can cause a variety of mental health struggles. You might feel stressed and overwhelmed, or even anxious or depressed. Venting about those things on Facebook isn’t going to make them go away. Instead, you have to get to the root of the issue. When you do that with the help of a professional, you won’t feel such an urge to overshare every negative feeling on social media, and you can protect yourself in the process. 

If you’re going through a divorce and need healthy support please read more about divorce and separation counseling and reach out to set up a confidential appointment. We're here to help.